
2020-05-21 11:50:07  浏览:3035  作者:管理员









World experts in Subsea engineering and operations.With a 40 year engineering track record reaching from deepwater engineering, to some of the longest pipelines in the world, producing effective subsea engineering solutions that enhance project value from design to operations.


2、Aleron Subsea

Aleron Subsea公司专业设计和制造ROV系统,可以为包括海洋油气和海上风电等在内的对水下作业要求高的行业提供专业的设备和支持服务。到目前为止,他们已拥有AUXROV,TRACKROV,并将很快推出MultiROV系统。他们拥有一系列内部组件,并使用其自己的Gladaitor控制系统,可以提供灵活的创新设计,使这些设计随着行业需求而发展。Gladaitor控制系统也作为一个ROV升级包,从而取代老化的电子设备,并更新其能力,以满足当前的技术期望。

Aleron Subsea design and manufacture ROV systems, providing integrated services to meet the requirements in industries such as offshore oil and gas and offshore wind. To date this has been the AUXROV, TRACKROV and we are soon to launch our MultiROV system. With a range of in house components and using our own Gladaitor control system we offer flexible innovative designs which have evolved with industry demands. The Gladiator control system also acts as an ROV upgrade package, replacing ageing electronics and updating their capabilities to today’s technical expectations.



Providing a comprehensive range of subsea robotic services in drill support, construction, IRM, survey and pipe/cable lay support or decommissioning, They have an extensive fleet of advanced underwater technologyto support your global operations effectively and safely. They can support the clients with the appropriate technology for their requirements based on capability and greater cost efficiency. With operational centres in Europe, the Americas, the Middle East and Asia, they can ensure your project is delivered safely and efficiently, anywhere in the world.


4、Donut International


Safety escape system provider for both onshore and offshore personal descent device services. The company has over 30 years' expertise in the supply, development and manufacture of personal escape equipment for applications within the petroleum, gas, marine, renewable and construction industries. With tens of thousands of units sold and in service globally, Donut is classed as the industry standard for Personal Controlled Descent Devices.



STATS集团是向全球石油、天然气和石化行业提供压力管道隔离、热采和封堵服务的市场领导者。其经 DNV GL认证的隔离工具提供了密封的双阻塞和泄放隔离,能够安全有效地维护和维修陆上、上部结构和海底管道基础设施。针对石油、天然气和石化行业提供压力管道隔离、热采和封堵服务,可以有效验证焊接完整性,节约工时,提高安全性,并将环境影响降至最低,拥有针对海底管道维修及拆解的一系列工具和解决方案。 

STATS Group are market leaders in the supply of pressurised pipeline isolation, hot tapping and plugging services to the global oil, gas and petrochemical industries. STATS DNV GL type approved isolation tools provide leak-tight double block and bleed isolation that enables safe and efficient maintenance and repair of onshore, topsides and subsea pipeline infrastructure.Our Process Plant Solutions offer hot-work barriers and localised hydrostatic test tools to verifying the integrity of welds or fittings, reducing system downtime, minimising environmental impact and increasing worksite safety. Mechanical pipe connectors replace the need for welding, significantly reducing expenditure and associated risks with hot-work.  


6、Sandaig Engineering

Sandaig Engineering是一家独立的咨询公司,专门从事供应链、工程和项目管理中的管理系统和战略质量计划。该公司在重点领域与具有前瞻性的石油、天然气和可再生能源公司进行了多项任务,包括:







Sandaig Engineering is as an independent consultancy specialising in management systems and strategic quality programmes within supply chain, engineering and project management. Sandaig Engineering has managed a number of assignments with forward looking Oil, Gas and renewables companies in focus areas including: 

• Gap Analysis on engineering, projects and supply chain and processes and management systems

• Implementing QA/QC chain processes either in isolation or as part of a full management system

• Managing the QA and HSE portions of major supplier evaluation and ITT processes

• Vendor technical and management system auditing

• Management of inspection and test plans and vendor/third party inspection programs

• Root cause analysis 


7、Crondall Energy

Crondall Energy是一家领先的独立咨询公司,为使用浮式生产和海底技术的海上能源项目提供战略、商业和技术服务。我们与一系列项目利益相关者合作,包括能源公司、投资者和律师事务所,帮助客户管理技术、商业和战略风险,并取得积极的项目成果。我们在油田开发、技术咨询、业务咨询和技术开发4个业务流中运营,提供一系列服务,涵盖从概念到后期的海上油田生命周期。工程师涵盖了广泛的工程学科,具有设计、制造、安装和操作经验,并通过运营商、设备供应商和安装承包商获得直接经验。 

Crondall Energy is a leading independent consultancy providing strategic, commercial and technical services for offshore energy projects that use floating production and subsea technologies. We work with a range of project stakeholders, including energy companies, investors and law firms.  We help our clients to manage technical, commercial and strategic risks and achieve positive project outcomes. Operating within 4 business streams, Field Development, Technical Consulting, Business Consulting & Technology Development, Crondall Energy provides a range of services that span the life cycle of an offshore field from concept to late life. Crondall Energy engineers cover a broad range of engineering disciplines with experience in design, fabrication, installation and operations, with direct experience gained through operators, equipment suppliers and installation contractors. 


8、Specialist Valve Services 


Specialist Valve Services (SVS) was formed in 1998 specialising in the supply of valves, actuators and ancillary equipment for clients in the oil & gas and petrochemical industries. Based in Europe's oil capital Aberdeen, SVS supplies to and operates in the UK and International markets. From Brazil to Sakhalin Island, SVS has experience in the delivery of key high-profile valve & actuated packages. SVS has built up substantial engineering teams with knowledge and expertise, the company has successfully planned, delivered and overseen the supply and management of valves and actuator packages to well-known green and brownfield assets. SVS are specialists in the design, supply, testing, repair, reconfiguration, maintenance and inspection of Topside & Subsea valves, actuators, and ancillary equipment. SVS' innovation and success has grown the business, allow it to diversify into industries including: Refining, LNG, Ship Building, Power Generation, Mining and more recently Pulp & Paper.


9、HCS Aberdeen

HCS Aberdeen是提供租赁和新建IWOCS解决方案的专家,为客户提供多种支持服务,帮助改善运营准备、成本管理和执行。安伯丁HCS的专业服务主要包括: IWOCS设备以及设计和制造,海底XT安装、干预和修井服务、水下退役服务、海上人力、设备维护、SIT服务、装配和测试服务、保存和储存、IWOCS设备的设计和制造。

HCS Aberdeen are a service orientated organisation focused on delivering responsive and cost effective solutions to their customer base. Primarily experts in the provision of both rental and new build IWOCS solutions, HCS Aberdeen also provide multiple supporting services to their customers to help improve operational readiness, cost management and execution. HCS Aberdeen specialise in but are not limited to the following services: IWOCS Equipment, Subsea XT Installation, Intervention and Workover Services, Subsea Decommissioning Services, Offshore Manpower, Equipment Maintenance, SIT Services, Assembly and Testing Services, Preservation and Storage, Design and Manufacture of IWOCS Equipment.


10、The Marsden Group


The Marsden Group is a global technology company, specializing in complex industrial environments. In recent years the rapid adoption of The Cloud, and the Internet of Things technology, has dramatically increased opportunities for all levels of business to embrace digital technology to improve business performance. Our vision is to harness these latest innovations, tailoring them to cost effective solutions that make a significant difference in driving measurable business value for our partners. Our key expertise is in: Detection & Monitoring (Thermal camera tech, IoT Data Acquisition Sensor Arrays, Conditional Based Monitoring Sensors, HSE (Red Zone Monitoring for offshore platforms/refineries), Software Operating Platforms (Digital Twin, Real-time BOP Monitoring).


11、ZynQ 360

ZynQ 360公司通过可视化实现数字化转型。我们的动态可视化技术为任何设施创建了一个最新的360度虚拟计划,提高了人们的意识,并允许更容易识别和减少风险和漏洞。该软件为所有利益相关者之间的有效规划、培训和协作创建了一个平台。安全的、基于云的应用程序与您现有的数据和系统集成,创建关键资产的数字孪生体,可在整个资产生命周期中使用。

ZynQ 360 Deliver Digital Transformation through Visualisation. Our dynamic, visualisation technology creates an up to date, 360°, virtual plan of any facility, increasing awareness and allowing risks and vulnerabilities to be more easily identified and reduced. The software creates a platform for effective planning, training and collaboration between all stakeholders. The secure, cloud-based application integrates with your existing data and systems to create a digital twin of your critical assets, which can be used throughout the entire Asset Lifecycle.


12、As Mosley

As Mosley在使用全球立管分析和详细有限元分析(FEA)技术模拟实际系统方面处于创新的前沿,专门从事海洋钻井平台立管和井口系统的数据分析,是Shell和BP在全球的主要供应商之一。服务范围还包括:轻型井干预,浮式风电结构整合性分析,等等。

A company specialise in finite element analysis of riser and wellhead systems for offshore rigs. We provide advanced analysis to most operators and are one of the main providers of this service to Shell and BP worldwide. Our services also cover light well intervention, and floating offshore wind turbines structural integrity analysis.


13、SeaFlo Consultancy 

SeaFlo咨询公司主要领域包括:海底油井服务、系统工程和海上保证监督;项目和资产完整性管理咨询;通过劳埃德海事学院进行液化天然气研究和FSRU-FLNG设施到液化天然气加料操作支持的培训;为SUT CEng(水下)或海洋/水下技术人员提供符合ISO能力标准的模块化培训。

SeaFlo Consultancy capability and primary services include: Subsea Well Services, Systems Engineering and Marine Assurance Surveillances,Project and Asset Integrity Management Consultancy;LNG studies and FSRU-FLNG facility to LNG Bunkering operations support training through Lloyds Maritime Academy;Modular Training delivered to ISO standards of competency for SUT CEng (Subsea) or Marine/Subsea Technologists status.


14、OTAQ Offshore

OTAQ Offshore公司开发了行业标准的泄漏检测系统OceanSENSE以及激光测量系统、水下摄像机和集成集线器。我们从事近海能源、商业潜水、国防和海洋研究行业的客户遍及全球。

OTAQ Offshore developed the industry standard leak detection system OceanSENSE as well as laser easurement systems, underwater cameras and intergration hubs. We support our customers operating in the offshore energy, commercial diving, defence and oceanographic research industries worldwide.


15、Engineered Composite Solutions

ECS有限公司总部位于苏格兰阿伯丁,主要为油气行业提供工程复合材料维修,品牌为Futurewrap。在维修供应方面,ECS提供合格(符合ISO 24817)的材料、工程和安装,即完整的维修解决方案。组成材料可以是缝合的碳纤维布,也可以是浸渍有两部分环氧树脂系统的玻璃纤维布。树脂和硬化剂的选择取决于修补所需的性能范围。就性能范围而言,未来包装维修的最高工作温度为2500C,如果内部和穿墙缺陷的最大工作压力为75巴。对于无穿墙缺陷的外部腐蚀,最大工作压力为315巴。Futurewrap复合材料修补可用于修补管道、管道、沉箱、立管和结构部件(包括甲板、屋顶、面板、工字钢、CHS支柱等)中的缺陷。这些缺陷可由内部或外部腐蚀或机械损坏引起。损坏的部件可以是碳钢、不锈钢、双相钢或cunifer合金。 

Engineered Composite Solutions (ECS) Limited is a company based in Aberdeen, Scotland supplying engineered composite repairs, brand name Futurewrap, primarily to the Oil and Gas sector. In terms of the supply of the repair ECS provides the qualified (to ISO 24817) materials, the engineering and the installation, i.e. the complete repair solution. The constituent materials are either stitched carbon or glass fibre cloths impregnated with a two part epoxy resin system. The selection of the resin and hardener depends on the required performance envelope of the repair. In terms of the performance envelope, Futurewrap repairs have a maximum operating temperature of 2500C and if the defect in internal and through wall a maximum operating pressure of 75 bar. For external corrosion with no through wall defect the maximum operating pressure is 315 bar. Futurewrap composite repairs can be used to repair defects in pipework, pipelines, caissions, risers and structural components including decks, roofs, panels, I-beams, CHS struts etc. The defects can either be caused by internal or external corrosion or mechanical damage. The damaged component can either be carbon steel, stainless or duplex steel or cunifer.


16、Sealand Projects

Sealand Projects是一家高度专业化的项目支持服务公司,为海洋经济提供动态和可持续的解决方案。Sealand Projects成立于2007年,汇集了多年来成功支持全球客户和项目的人才和技能。该公司为石油和天然气、海洋能源、近海和退役部门提供项目管理、工程和咨询服务。Sealand项目通过DNV GL认证,符合ISO 9001:2015质量管理体系标准。

Sealand Projects are a highly specialised project support services company, that offers dynamic and sustainable solutions to the Ocean Economy. Founded in 2007, Sealand Projects brings together a combination of talents and skills working successfully over many years supporting clients and projects worldwide. The company provides Project Management, Engineering and Consultancy services to the Oil & Gas, Ocean Energy, Offshore and Decommissioning sectors.  Sealand Projects are accredited by DNV GL to the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems standards.



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