卓越采购奖2020颁奖典礼成功举办 GEP荣获最佳采购咨询项目奖

2020-11-24 09:04:49  浏览:2268  作者:来源: GEP


On the evening of November 18, the awards ceremony of the Procurement Success Awards 2020 was successfully held at the JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai Changfeng Park.

卓越采购奖2020颁奖典礼成功举办 GEP荣获最佳采购咨询项目奖


The Procurement Excellence Awards are organized by the Asia Pacific Procurement Excellence Summit to recognize the most outstanding corporate procurement teams and projects. The Procurement Excellence Award 2020 attracted enterprises from 13 countries and regions, including China, Singapore, with 181 cases in total.


The evaluation process lasted nearly a month and the judging panel — composed of 12 procurement leaders from all over the world — followed the principle of “openness, fairness and justice” to review the cases. Based on years of in-depth understanding of the procurement industry, the jury conducted two rounds of strict selection of the application cases.

可喜可贺的是GEP 荣获最佳采购咨询项目奖。

The panel is pleased to announce GEP as the winners of the Best Procurement Consulting Project Award.

卓越采购奖2020颁奖典礼成功举办 GEP荣获最佳采购咨询项目奖


The case submission from GEP is below:

GEP为全球领先的照明解决方案提供商提供了基于间接采购的全面解决方案。包括采购咨询, 采购外包和技术平台服务, 涉及整体间接采购运营,年度费用高达7亿多欧元, 目标是在3年的合同期内每年同比降低10%的费用。

GEP provided a total solution to improve the procurement activities of one of its clients, a leading global lighting solution provider. GEP’s unified solution included consulting, managed services and technology, and covered the entire indirect procurement operation with a spend of over 700 million euros per annum. The aim is to drive a 10% year-on-year cost reduction over a 3-year contract period.

今年是该项目实施的第二年, GEP通过引进人才、资产、工具,经验,来推动成本改善的持续性和能力的提升,并已实现了计划目标。GEP还引入了领先的成本控制措施,如支出控制塔、差旅控制台,以实现有效的成本节约。GEP SMART平台端到端的解决方案通过对采购生命周期的管理使整体采购业务数字化的得以落实和运行。

This is the 2nd year of the program, and GEP has achieved the target by bringing in talent, assets, tools and leading practices to drive continuous cost improvement and capability enhancement. Leading cost control measures such as a spend control tower or a travel control desk were also introduced to effectively enforce savings. An end-to-end IT solution using GEP SMART that digitalized the entire procurement operation through its management life cycle was implemented and is running.

GEP为该客户提供的服务的独特之处在于, GEP 提供了支持客户改善采购组织的一揽子解决方案(咨询,外包和技术), 这帮助客户在3年期合同内每年成本节省超过10%,并取得了一系列管理能力的提高。考虑到其涉及的总支出规模及持续性,该案例在咨询市场中较为罕见。

What is unique in the work GEP are providing for this client in China is the holistic approach (consulting, managed service and technology) that’s supporting the client to improve its procurement organization. This allowed the client to achieve more than 10% savings year-over-year for a 3-year contract. That is value rarely seen in the consulting market — considering it’s on the total spend and its sustainable.

GEP 中国采购总监徐海林先生代表团队发表获奖感言.

Hailin Xu, Director for Consulting at GEP, accepted the award on behalf of the whole account team.

卓越采购奖2020颁奖典礼成功举办 GEP荣获最佳采购咨询项目奖

海林发表获奖感言:"我和我的团队非常兴奋和荣幸能获得这个奖项。这是对团队努力成果的一次极大认可,也是对GEP 为全球客户提供的卓越整体采购解决方能力的认可。随着我们同客户持续降本合作的深入,我们将探索更先进的方法,如需求管理、TCO管理、流程整合、运营模式变革,来进一步推进成本节省,绩效优化。

Hailin said: “I am excited and honored to receive this award on behalf of the team. This is a great acknowledgement of the team’s achievement, as well as of GEP’s capability in offering a total procurement solution that drives outstanding performance for clients with global operations. We are entering into the third year of this program, more advanced levers such as demand management, TCO cost management, strategic partnering and operating model change will be explored to drive further cost reduction. Initiatives that drive user satisfaction and compliance (such as contract compliance and buying channel compliance) will be also be implemented.

卓越采购奖2020颁奖典礼成功举办 GEP荣获最佳采购咨询项目奖

GEP是全球唯一一家提供整体采购和供应链服务及系统平台的公司。这使得我们能满足绝大多数客户的端到端的采购需求。GEP 服务于全球客户, 覆盖300多个直接和间接品类, 每年采购额约2000 亿美元。我们期待能为更多的客户降本增效。

GEP is the only firm globally that provides end-to-end procurement and supply chain strategy, managed services and technology solutions under one umbrella. That makes us the one-handshake-solution for most of our client’s requirements. GEP manages approximately $200 billion in spend across 300+ direct and indirect categories for our worldwide clients. We look forward to helping you increase the effectiveness of your procurement team while decreasing costs.

卓越采购奖2020颁奖典礼成功举办 GEP荣获最佳采购咨询项目奖

GEP China BD team contact information: 

Alice Feng                 

Email: alice.feng@gep.com               

+86 021 3115 5706        

+86 135 6405 2308 (Mobile and WeChat)

Michael Seitz            

Email: Michael.Seitz@gep.com         

+86 021 3115 9104        

+86 156 1862 3085 (Mobile and WeChat)


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