
2020-12-01 15:04:15  浏览:1651  作者:来源:阿美亚洲

阿美亚洲日本首席代表奥马尔·阿穆迪(Omar Al Amudi)(左上)代表阿美亚洲与七家顶级检验服务解决方案提供商签署协议,为阿美在亚太地区的工程和技术服务运营提供支持。



阿美亚洲日本首席代表奥马尔·阿穆迪(Omar Al Amudi)代表阿美亚洲与以下供应商的代表签署了合同:

  1. 瑞士通用公证行(SGS)

  2. 日本检查株式会社(JIC)

  3. ABS咨询(ABS)

  4. ACES全球质量服务(ACES)

  5. 天祥工业服务日本株式会社(ITK)

  6. 塔塔项目有限公司(TATA)

  7. 意大利船级社


阿美亚洲工程及技术服务副总裁穆哈默德·卡塔尼(Mohammed Al Qahtani)在发言中,强调了推进质量检查的必要性,并呼吁所有供应商通过简化流程和创新解决方案,提供符合工业4.0的、最有效和最具成本效益的服务。

活动期间,阿美亚洲质量管理部门负责人亚瑟·苏布西(Yasser Al Subhi)向与会人员介绍了履行合同的义务和要求。苏布西先生介绍了该部门的相关情况、工作量统计信息、未来的挑战以及经验教训,并介绍了一种用于优化检验服务运营的新工具。此外,他还鼓励代理商采用新式检验方法和尖端技术,以确保最高级别的材料完整性和合规性。


Aramco Asia inks deals with seven suppliers on general inspection services

Omar Al Amudi (top left), Representative Director of Aramco Japan, signed agreements on behalf of Aramco Asia with seven top-level inspection service solution providers to support the company’s engineering and technical services operation in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region.

Aramco Asia has signed agreements with seven top-level inspection service solution providers, supporting the company’s engineering and technical services operation in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region. The agreements, signed by Aramco Asia Japan in a virtual ceremony on November 20, have a duration of six years and commence in 2021.

The agreements support Aramco Asia’s inspection of products procured from Asia-Pacific manufacturers and suppliers, helping deliver the highest standards of quality and asset integrity for Aramco facilities, capital projects and joint ventures in compliance with Aramco’s engineering standards and specifications.
Omar Al Amudi, Representative Director of Aramco Japan, signed contracts on behalf of Aramco Asia with representatives of the following suppliers:

  1. Société Générale de Surveillance (SGS)

  2. Japan Inspection Co. (JIC)

  3. ABS Consulting (ABS)

  4. ACES-Global Quality Services (ACES)

  5. Intertek Industry Services Japan Limited (ITK)

  6. Tata Projects Limited (TATA)

  7. RINA Spa

Al Amudi emphasized the importance of inspection and quality assurance as a cornerstone of Aramco’s business. “World-class engineering and quality standards are key to reinforcing Aramco’s position as a leading, sustainable and reliable source of energy,” he said.
While addressing the audience, Mohammed Al Qahtani, Aramco Asia vice-president of engineering and technical services, emphasized the need to advance quality inspection and called on all suppliers to adopt the most competent and cost-effective practices, streamlined processes and innovative solutions consistent with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0).
During the event, Yasser Al Subhi, head of Aramco Asia’s quality management division, informed participants about the contract obligations and requirements. Al Subhi shared a corporate function overview, workload statistics, future challenges and lessons learned. He also introduced a new tool to optimize inspection service operations, encouraging agencies to adopt new inspection practices and cutting-edge technologies to ensure the highest material integrity and compliance.

Hosted virtually in Tokyo, Japan, the event assembled approximately 80 quality management professionals to discuss best practices for implementing quality inspection services, addressing various aspects of quality management and promoting quality awareness among suppliers.


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