
2020-12-23 11:32:51  浏览:1664  作者:管理员
  • 沙特阿拉伯云区域已加入到谷歌云平台全球网络

  • 沙特阿美子公司沙特阿美开发公司与谷歌之间的协议为推出高性能、低延迟的云服务铺平道路

  • 充分利用沙特迅速增长的云服务需求契机




沙特阿美技术服务高级副总裁艾哈迈德·萨迪(Ahmad Al Sa'adi)说:“我们生活在一个数据驱动的世界中,公司不仅需要拥有安全的基础架构来保护企业数据,而且还应具备能够助力执行任务的工具,这些工具要物尽其用,这一点至关重要。无论是现在还是将来,将谷歌云引入沙特都将带来巨大收益,我们感谢通信及信息技术部支持该计划。沙特阿拉伯业务转型和增长的未来取决于其成功利用云服务的能力。” 

谷歌云首席执行官托马斯·库里安(Thomas Kurian)说:“我们致力于通过谷歌云帮助企业实现现代化并加速其数字化转型。根据这项协议,谷歌云的创新技术和解决方案将被提供给沙特阿拉伯的企业及其全球客户,从而使它们能够更好地为最终消费者提供服务。” 

谷歌云为客户提供多种解决方案,包括人工智能、智能分析、数据管理、安全性、基础架构和应用程序现代化。 它在全球范围内提供这些服务,同时用可再生能源来抵消其运营所需的全部能源。 

Aramco to bring Google Cloud Services to Saudi Arabia 

  • Saudi Arabia Cloud region added to Google Cloud Platform global network

  • Agreement between Saudi Aramco Development Company, a subsidiary of Aramco, and Google Cloud paves way for rollout of high-performance, low-latency cloud services

  • Opportunity taps into rapidly expanding cloud services demand in Saudi Arabia 

Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, December 21, 2020 – Saudi Aramco Development Company, a subsidiary of Aramco, today announced it had teamed up with Google Cloud to offer high-performance, low-latency cloud services to customers in Saudi Arabia.

The Kingdom is being added to the global network of Google Cloud Platform regions, as part of a strategic alliance agreement signed between the Company and Google Cloud this month. Google Cloud will establish and operate a new cloud region in Saudi Arabia, while a new company will be formed following all required regulatory clearances to supply cloud solutions and services to customers, with an emphasis on businesses inside Saudi Arabia.

This new cloud region will allow organizations nationwide to grow and scale their offerings, while delivering digital products and services faster and more reliably. The collaboration taps into rapidly expanding cloud services demand in Saudi Arabia, which is forecasted to reach a market opportunity up to $10 billion by 2030. Increased dependence on online services during the COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated the shift toward digital solutions. The rollout of Google Cloud services and infrastructure in Saudi Arabia will deliver a robust, reliable and agile solutions to meet growing demand for IT and cloud services. 

Aramco Senior Vice President of Technical Services, Ahmad Al Sa’adi, said: “We live in a world driven by data, and it is essential that companies not only have secure infrastructure to protect enterprise data, but also the tools that enable them to make the best use of it. Bringing Google Cloud to Saudi Arabia will deliver significant benefits, both now and in the future, and we are grateful to the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology for supporting this initiative. The future of Saudi Arabia’s business transformation and growth depends on its ability to successfully leverage cloud services.” 

Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian said : “We are committed to helping businesses modernize and accelerate their digital transformations with Google Cloud. With this agreement, Google Cloud's innovative technology and solutions will be available to global customers and enterprises in Saudi Arabia to enable them to better serve end consumers."

Google Cloud offers its customers multiple solutions, including artificial intelligence, smart analytics, data management, security, infrastructure and application modernization. It delivers these services globally while matching 100 percent of the energy used to power its operations with renewable energy.


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