
2021-01-20 12:29:27  浏览:1963  作者:来源:阿美亚洲




达曼7号由沙特电信子公司Solutions和惠普子公司CRAY在达兰科技谷共同开发。达曼7号具有55.4 千万亿次的峰值计算能力,可以处理世界上最大的地球物理数据集,并进行成像。


沙特阿美总裁兼首席执行官阿敏·纳瑟尔(Amin H. Nasser)表示:“达曼7号超级计算机以1938年发现的第一座商业油井命名。这台超级计算机将帮助我们取得突破,作为我们上游‘发现与恢复’长期战略的一部分。这项技术能够更快地处理复杂数据,将为发现新油田提供帮助,同时提高采收率,这至关重要,既可以确保有充足的原油供给、可以满足能源需求,又能够降低成本并提高生产率。对创新技术的持续投资是公司长期发展战略的重要推动力,我们计划对可提高生产效率和弹性的合适技术进行投资,达曼7号是我们在这项计划实施中迈出的又一步。”

沙特电信集团首席执行官纳瑟尔·纳瑟尔(Nasser S. Al-Nasser)表示:“沙特阿美超级计算机数据中心的落成将为勘探打开新的格局,这将对数据数字化及质量产生重大影响。这与国家理想前景的数字化转型计划相一致,我们为与本地员工合作建立达曼7号中心而感到自豪。”

Aramco and stc unveil Dammam 7 Supercomputer


Amin H. Nasser, Aramco President & CEO, front row, third from left, with officials during the inauguration.

Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, January 19, 2021--Aramco and stc announced today the launch of Dammam 7, a new supercomputer among the top ten most powerful in the world. The supercomputer presents new opportunities in both exploration and development and enhances Aramco’s decision-making on exploration and investment decisions. This is the next step in Aramco’s digital transformation, complementing a suite of advanced technologies that are reshaping core operations, driving efficiencies and reinforcing its industry leadership in geoscience.

Developed at Dhahran Techno Valley in partnership with Solutions, a subsidiary of stc Group, and CRAY, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise subsidiary, Dammam 7 has 55.4 petaflops of peak computing power, allowing it to process and image the world’s largest geophysical datasets.

The Dammam 7 supercomputer, named after the first oil well discovered in Saudi Arabia, will push beyond the traditional boundaries of exploration and production through cutting edge technology. Sophisticated imaging and deep-learning algorithms will allow it to run very detailed 3D earth models, improving the Company’s ability to discover and recover oil and gas while reducing exploration and development risks. It will further enhance decision-making for exploration and development of conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon resources, as well as guide future investments in production and resource allocation.

Aramco President & CEO, Amin H. Nasser, said: “The Dammam 7 supercomputer is named after the first commercial oil well discovered in 1938. It will help us with breakthroughs as part of our long term “Discovery and Recovery” strategy in our Upstream business. This technology that processes complex data faster will enable new discoveries and enhanced recoveries, which are crucial to both ensuring the availability of adequate supply to meet the demand for energy and to cut costs while boosting productivity. Continuous investment in innovative technology is an essential enabler of our Company’s long-term growth strategy, and Dammam 7 is another step in our plan to invest in the right technology that drives production efficiency and resilience.”   

stc Group CEO, Nasser S. Al-Nasser, said: “The inauguration of the supercomputer data center in Aramco will open up new horizons in exploration, which will have a significant impact on data digitization and quality. These are in line with the digital transformation plans of the desired national outlook, and we are proud to have worked with locals to establish Dammam 7 Center.”


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