
2021-03-10 08:42:53  浏览:2105  作者:来源:海洋油气网


Scottish Energy Supply Chain Companies

Looking for Cooperation Opportunities in China







1、G A R&D Ltd

G A R&D 公司提供独特的GARD U-Line™ 传送系统,爬行能力强,低成本,井干预速度快。这项经过实地测试的技术与其他技术相比有几个优点,主要是可以避免在大斜度和具有挑战性的井内使用昂贵和低速的爬行器。U-Line ™ 设计是通用的,可以在一体条件下,适应e线,钢丝绳,纤维,弹道,mCT等等。这意味着,连同其模块化轮对,整个油管范围和裸眼可以仅用三个U-Line ™ 辊体尺寸就可覆盖(其他系统为35)。其专利联锁设计消除了螺丝的需要,这意味着该工具在制造、物流、部署和维修方面更安全、简单、成本更低。GARD U-Line™ 滚筒的性能体现在,操作员能够在一口极具挑战性的油井中以79°的偏差达到11000英尺的目标深度,而这口井以前只能由爬行器进入。操作员也可以选择运行钢丝绳而不是电子线,从而大大节省了时间和效率。我们期待着推出GARD U-Line™ 传送系统到中国市场,欢迎垂询。 

G A R&D Ltd offers the unique GARD U-Line™ Conveyance System to increase access capability whilst reducing cost and increasing the speed of well-intervention. The field-tested technology holds several advantages over alternatives. Most notably it can remove the need for using expensive and slow tractors in highly deviated and challenging wells. The U-Line™ design is universal in accommodating e-line, slick-line; fibre; ballistic; mCT and others within the same body. This means that, along with its modular wheel sets, the whole tubing range and open hole can be covered in just three U-Line™ roller body sizes (compared to up to 35 for other systems). Its patented interlock design eliminates the need for screws meaning that the tool is safer, simpler and far less costly in manufacture, logistics, deployment and servicing. The GARD U-Line™ rollers have proven their capability by enabling an Operator reach a target depth of 11,000ft at 79° deviation in a highly challenging well which had previously only been accessible by tractor. This also allowed the Operator the option to run slick-line instead of e-line providing major savings and time efficiencies. We look forward to bringing the GARD U-Line™ Conveyance System to China and welcome all enquiries. 


2、PanGeo Subsea

PanGeo Subsea是一家海洋地球物理岩土工程服务提供公司,专门提供高分辨率真三维体积声成像解决方案,以减轻海上设施的风险。PanGeo为客户提供技术解决方案,支持在埋深测量期间对电缆和管道进行精确定位和连续可视化;帮助识别威胁管道/电缆完整性的埋深异常,同时进行埋深测量;并提供真实的三维立体成像和地下基础设施的精确定位,以实现高效的现场退役。这项专利技术对海底进行探测,以提供诸如巨砾和未爆弹药(UXO)(包含黑色金属和有色金属)等埋藏异常位置的3D图像,从而支持海上设施的去风险和微观选址。PanGeo Subsea在其产品组合中有两种技术,声学取芯器™ (AC)和海底成像仪™ (履行机构)。两者都使用相同的传感器和处理数据的类似算法来询问海底,但是它们安装在不同的平台上,因此有不同的应用。PanGeo的技术解决方案支持的关键领域包括石油和天然气、海上可再生能源、海洋考古和国防。公司总部位于加拿大纽芬兰和拉布拉多的圣约翰市,在英国阿伯丁和加拿大新斯科舍省达特茅斯设有办事处,在美国弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿设有销售办事处。

PanGeo Subsea, Inc. is a marine geophysical-geotechnical service delivery company specializing in high resolution true 3D volumetric acoustic imaging solutions to mitigate risk in offshore installations. PanGeo offers a technology solution to clients that supports accurate positioning and continuous visualization of cables and pipelines during depth of burial surveys; helps identify buried anomalies threatening integrity of pipe/cable in parallel with depth of burial survey; and provides true 3D volumetric imaging and accurate positioning of buried infrastructure for efficient site decommissioning. The patented technology interrogates the sub-seabed to provide a 3D image of the position of buried anomalies like boulders and unexploded ordnances (UXO) (including ferrous and non-ferrous) that support de-risking and micro-siting of offshore installations. PanGeo Subsea has two technologies in its portfolio, the Acoustic Corer™ (AC) and the Sub Bottom Imager™ (SBI). Both interrogate the sub-seabed using the same sensors and similar algorithms for processing the data, however they are mounted on different platforms and hence have different applications.  PanGeo’s technology solutions supports the oil & gas, offshore renewables, marine archelogy and defence sectors.   Corporate headquarters are in St. John’s, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada with operations in Aberdeen,UK, and Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada and a sales office in Arlington, Virginia, USA. 


3、ADC Oil & Gas


• 钻机进口和再激活保证

• 集成控制系统

• 防喷器和井控系统

• 动态定位

• 网络安全



ADC is an independent Rig Inspection and Verification consultancy providing specialist assurance services. One holistic approach considering the Functionality, Availability, Reliability, Serviceability and Interdependency (FARSI) of all drilling rig systems using a team of subject matter experts provides this assurance to E & P Companies, Rig Owners, Regulatory Bodies and a variety of other financial stakeholders. Core services include:

· Rig Intake and Reactivation Assurance

· Integrated Controls Systems

· BOP & Well Control Systems

· Dynamic Positioning

· Cybersecurity


Our inspection teams consider every factor of onshore and offshore drilling rigs, be it digital, mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or human. We are experts in inspecting 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th generation ‘cyber’ rigs, and our Rig Intake & Reactivation Services make a significant contribution to the reactivation of cold and warm stacked assets. Our professional ethos is intentionally collaborative enabling us to work positively for our clients with drilling contractors and crew to deliver effective and efficient inspections. Being completely independent you can be assured we’ll perform with integrity and complete objectivity. With over 35 years of global experience we are dedicated to reducing NPT, protecting your reputation and reducing your risks.





• 井口回收系统

• 插槽恢复

• 大口径切管机

• 张力转环

• 旋转矛

• 套管铣削工具

• 非对称套管出口工具

• 套管分离器 


MTDC designs and supplies innovative downhole tool technology to the Oil & Gas Industry. MTDC holds multiple patents and intellectual property focused on the Well Decommissioning, Slot Recovery & Plug and Abandonment market. Specialized 

equipment designs include:

·       Wellhead recovery System

·       Slot Recovery

·       Big Bore Pipe Cutter

·       Tension Swivel

·       Rotating Spear

·       Casing Milling Tools

·       Asymmetric Casing Exit Tools

·       Casing Splitter

Our designs reduce time spent removing casings in slot recovery, re-entry, workover and abandonment. This technology provides cost effective solutions by lowering rig time with comprehensive solutions.




The Proserv Intervention Workover Control Systems (IWOCS) team, have over 40 years experience, providing temporary well control, during subsea well installations, workovers and abandonments. As an independent provider, we are focused on offering systems unique to customer requirements, ensuring operational and cost efficiencies with a personal service level. Proserv are market leaders who operate, maintain, refurbish and build new IWOCS systems. Our extensive fleet, with a full spectrum of size and functionality offers global capability with operational bases across the UK, Europe, Asia and the US. We proudly remain the most nimble and expert independent IWOCS service provider available, who have executed over 750 monitoring, control and retrieval projects, improving the operations, reliability, integrity and productivity of operators assets. 



海洋油气网  夏先生



苏格兰国际发展局 陈女士




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