
2020-12-16 13:09:38  浏览:2765  作者:来源:中国石化新闻网


阿美亚洲战略采购与物流部(SPLD)总监郝德龙(Abdulrahman Al Hatlan)(中)、战略寻源与采购经理努夫·穆萨(Nouf Al Mousa)(右)与其他来自阿美的发言人共同出席此次活动。阿美亚洲中国区总经理法赫德·奥斯曼(Fahad Al Othman)(背景屏幕左侧)在2020年12月15日举行的2020中国供应商论坛上通过视频连线方式致开幕词。该论坛旨在帮助阿美与当地企业建立更紧密的业务伙伴关系,并吸引中国企业投资沙特。

  • 阿美通过IKTVA吸引更多中国投资



阿美亚洲中国区总经理法赫德·奥斯曼(Fahad Al Othman)在论坛中指出:“本次论坛展示了中国一带一路倡议与沙特2030年愿景之间的高度契合。中华人民共和国和沙特阿拉伯王国领导层提出这两个富有远见的倡议,在本次论坛中,您可以了解与之相关的一些机会,以及沙特阿美自己的IKTVA计划所带来的机遇。” 奥斯曼还表示:“我们已经准备好与您合作,并帮助您利用IKTVA计划和沙特境内的投资机会。”


阿美亚洲战略采购与物流部(SPLD)总监郝德龙(Abdulrahman Al Hatlan)先生重申IKTVA计划的战略意义,并鼓励与会人员抓住沙特日益增长的投资机会。沙特阿美近年来从中国合作伙伴处得到很多支持和信任,郝德龙先生对此表示感谢。“通过今天的活动,我们看到恢复力和敏捷性的势头。我们介绍了IKTVA计划下的投资机会,以及政府对投资沙特的鼓励政策。今天,一直以来与我们合作的中国合作伙伴,也同我们分享了投资的经验教训和成功故事,” 郝德龙指出。

他补充说:“此外,我们还看到SAP Ariba新业务平台的应用,该平台可以在供应链交易(包括寻源、注册、采购和IKTVA管理)中与我们的供应商进行更好的无缝交互。”


Aramco Asia holds virtual forum to promote Chinese investment in Saudi Arabia


Abdulrahman Al Hatlan (center), Director of Aramco Asia’s Strategic Procurement & Logistic Department (SPLD), and Nouf Al Mousa (right), Strategic Sourcing and Procurement Manager, joined other Aramco presenters for the event. Fahad Al Othman (left screen, background), Aramco Asia China Country Manager, delivered his opening remarks via a video link at the 2020 China Suppliers Forum held virtually on December 15, 2020. The forum sought to help foster closer business partnerships with local companies and attract China investors to the opportunities in the Kingdom.

  • Advancing Aramco’s efforts to attract more Chinese investment through IKTVA 

Shanghai, China, December 15, 2020--Aramco Asia virtually hosted the China Suppliers Forum today to promote investment opportunities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia among Chinese partners and investors.

Under the theme of “Business Opportunities in the Post Pandemic Era”, the online event engaged diverse participants ranging from government officials and semi-government agencies to suppliers and manufacturers, and advanced Aramco’s efforts to attract more Chinese investment through the In-Kingdom Total Value Add program (IKTVA).  

Fahad Al Othman, Aramco Asia China Country Manager, addressed the forum’s attendees noting: “This forum illustrates the great alignment between China’s “Belt & Road” initiative and “Saudi Vision 2030”. It’s a great venue to explore some of the opportunities emerging from these two farsighted visions by the leaderships of the People’s Republic of China and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and that of our own IKTVA program at Aramco.” Al Othman asserted, “We are ready to work with you and help you to take advantage of the IKTVA program and the investment opportunities available in the Kingdom.”

Speakers from the Saudi Ministry of Investment discussed some of the available opportunities in the Kingdom and presented the audience with an overview of key policy trends, growth outlook and available incentives. Representatives from Chinese government bodies and companies shared success stories of Chinese companies in the Kingdom.

Abdulrahman Al Hatlan, Director of Aramco Asia’s Strategic Procurement & Logistic Department (SPLD), reiterated the strategic importance of the IKTVA program and encouraged the participants to seize the growing opportunities in the Kingdom. He expressed appreciation for the support and trust the company had received from Chinese partners over the years. “Through the event today, we have seen a momentum of resilience and agility.  We shared investment opportunities under the IKTVA program, as well as government incentives for investment in the Kingdom. We also listened to our Chinese partners, collaborating with us in promoting investment in Saudi Arabia, by sharing their lessons learned and stories of successful investment.” Al Hatlan noted.

“Also, we’ve seen an adoption of new business platform SAP Ariba to provide seamless and better interaction with our suppliers in supply chain transactions, including sourcing, registration, procurement and IKTVA management,” he added.

Initiated by SPLD, the annual forum provides a platform for direct engagement with suppliers and partners, to strengthen bilateral relations and facilitate larger investments in Saudi Arabia by Chinese partners, in alignment with Saudi Vision 2030 and the IKTVA program.


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